My love,
What makes a trip wonderful? What makes a day beautiful? What makes our life happy?
For me, there is one answer: friends and family.
I travel to make new friends who will make me see the world a bit different, who will teach me to live differently than before.
I travel to confront and forget my old worries, my fears, even my hopes and forge new ones.
I travel so I never forget how short life is and how silly it is to be afraid to live fully.
I travel so I can be myself in the shadow of being nobody.
And this year I traveled to see you again. I had too. You gave me no choice. You made me lie in bed at night thinking of you, trying to remember your smell, imagining how I will feel when my hands will touch you again.
You, my amazing, ideal lover, you make me cry, you make me laugh, you take me to busy streets, fancy restaurants, overwhelm me with warmth, just to wake me up in a cosy, small cottage nestled between mountains, in the sound of the forest. In your arms I feel at peace, content with who I am, curious of what I will become.
Between a love that just passed and one who just awaits around the corner, there is always you, faithfully willing to wipe my tears and make me feel alive once again.
We have a small house beside the river in Giethoorn, Holland. After a delicious breakfast in an open air cafe on the shores of the Bosphorus, we go hiking around Lake Como in Italy, then straight into the Ice Caves in Austria. We spend our afternoon swimming and watching the sunset over the wineries in Cinque Terre and go for lunch at Hotel Obermayr near Salzburg. We have dinner in a Parisian fancy restaurant which serves delicious beef tartar and spend the night on a boat in Monaco, feeling wild and free and glamorous.
When you will ask my hand in marriage, I will accept and we’ll go for honeymoon in Corniglia, sunbathing on the cliffs, listening to the loud, lively Italians sitting in front of their houses gossiping, having a true Italian pizza with a good glass of wine. We’ll live simply and fully.
But for now, I am back to the land of Oz, dreaming of you.
Why did we ever have to part?
With love,

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